Archive for the ‘media’ Category

Cheney: New York Times is No Friend

May 21, 2009
“Our government prevented attacks and saved lives through the Terrorist Surveillance Program, which let us intercept calls and track contacts between al-Qaeda operatives and persons inside the United States. The program was top secret, and for good reason, until the editors of the New York Times got it and put it on the front page. After 9/11, the Times had spent months publishing the pictures and the stories of everyone killed by al-Qaeda on 9/11. Now here was that same newspaper publishing secrets in a way that could only help al-Qaeda. It impressed the Pulitzer committee, but it damn sure didn’t serve the interests of our country, or the safety of our people.”

That from former Vice President Dick Cheney’s speech on national security on May 21, 2009.

Cheney also said, “In the category of euphemism, the prizewinning entry would be a recent editorial in a familiar newspaper that referred to terrorists we’ve captured as, quote, “abducted.” Here we have ruthless enemies of this country, stopped in their tracks by brave operatives in the service of America, and a major editorial page makes them sound like they were kidnap victims, picked up at random on their way to the movies.”


The Coming California Bailout

May 21, 2009

Yesterday we wrote that it was difficut often in today’s political debate to get the truth because the media sides with the left.  Most of the media, that is.  In California, the L.A. Times and Sacramento Bee are blaming the voters for the budget chaos.  But The Orange County Register seems to have a handle on what’s going on and warns us to get ready to bail out California (then maybe New York, New Jersey,….).

It’s not the voters who are to blame, stupid……


California, the sunny incubator of America’s future, has relished its role as a leading indicator of political trends. Tuesday it became what it thinks it should be, the center of attention, but not in the way it wants to be.

By George Will
The Washington Post

Its voters, at last sensible, rejected, by an average of 65 percent, five of six propositions. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the “post-partisan” Republican, and the partisan Democrats who control the legislature, promoted the propositions as efficient for and essential to eliminating the state’s budget deficit, which will now be $21 billion. So California may become the next target for the Obama administration, whose dependency agenda involves seizing every opportunity to break things — banks, insurance and automobile companies, etc. — to the saddle of its supervision.

The Orange County Register — if but one newspaper survives today’s leveling winds, may it be this one — made the case for rejecting all six propositions: 1A would have created an illusory spending cap that could be “easily circumvented by raising taxes” — and the ballot language did not mention that 1A would have meant a $16 billion, two-year extension of some of February’s huge tax increases. Proposition 1B promised the public school lobby $9 billion, effectively bribing it to support 1A, which the California Teachers Association did. Proposition 1C combined “two of the worst practices responsible for” the state’s dysfunction, “rosy revenue projections and borrowing”: It would have authorized borrowing from (hypothetical) increases in state lottery revenue. Proposition 1D, “one more hide-the-pea fiscal deception,” would have transferred to the general fund — and much of it on to public employees — revenue raised for children’s programs. Proposition 1E would have done the same for revenue raised for mental health services.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks to the media ...
Photo: Reuters

Proposition 1F, passed by 73.9 percent, denies pay raises to legislators when the budget is not balanced. The Register opposed this because it gives legislators “a personal, financial incentive” to balance the budget by raising taxes.

Now California’s mostly Democratic political class will petition Washington for a bailout to nourish the public sector that is suffocating the state’s dwindling — and departing — private sector. The Obama administration, which rewarded the United Auto Workers by giving it considerable control over two companies it helped reduce to commercial rubble, will serve the interests of California’s unionized public employees and others largely responsible for reducing the state to mendicancy.

These factions will flourish if the state becomes a federal poodle on a short leash held by the president. He might make aid conditional on the state doing things that California Democrats and their union allies would love to be “compelled” to do: eliminate the requirements of two-thirds majorities of both houses of the legislature to raise taxes and pass budgets, and repeal Proposition 13, which voters passed in 1978 to limit property taxes. These changes would enable the legislature (job approval rating: 14 percent) to siphon away an ever-larger share of taxpayers’ wealth and transfer it to public employees. Such as prison guards, whose potent union is one reason California’s cost-per-inmate (about $49,000) is twice the national average.

California’s voters are complicit in their state’s collapse. They elect and reelect the legislators off whom public employees unions batten. Also, voters have promiscuously used their state’s plebiscitary devices to control and fatten the budget. In November, as the dark fiscal clouds lowered, they authorized $9.95 billion more in debt as a down payment on a perhaps $75 billion high-speed-rail project linking San Francisco and Los Angeles — a delight California cannot afford.

The greenback may be headed for a tumble as intense selling is underway.In a surreal attempt to terrify voters into supporting the propositions, Schwarzenegger (job approval: 33 percent) threatened to do something sensible: sell such state assets as San Quentin prison, which sits on prime ocean-view real estate. But Californians should now pay a real price, in realism about ways and means, for Schwarzenegger’s wasted years. His governance-by-attention-deficit-disorder has involved flitting from one trendy irrelevance (e.g., stem-cell research) to another (e.g., cooling the planet) while the state has sagged. Fittingly, he was in Washington as his shambolic legacy was being defined by Tuesday’s defeat.


He was at the White House, applauding the Obama administration’s imposition of severe fuel efficiency standards on a dependent automobile industry that at least has a proven aptitude for its new task of building cars Americans will not like. Standing far from Tuesday’s repudiation, in the shadow of the president who may soon effectively be California’s governor, Schwarzenegger was the administration’s dependency agenda writ small.


Democrats all snug and smug in their majority in Congress had better be paying attention because what happened out here yesterday is coming to their congressional districts very soon. Tax increases + out of control spending + incompetent politicians + an angry electorate = the electoral gallows for incumbents.

–Patrick Dorinson, Political communications strategist and commentator.


Barack Obama’s biggest critic: Charles Krauthammer

May 20, 2009

The dinner guest that night at George Will’s house in Chevy Chase was intellectually nimble, personally formidable and completely baffling, recalled columnist Charles Krauthammer – who was getting his first up-close look at President-elect Barack Obama.

“We sat around and said, ‘Does anybody really know who he is and what he wants to do, now that we’ve had this?'” Krauthammer recalled of Obama’s January sit-down with conservative columnists. “And the answer was no. We don’t know.”

By Ben Smith

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer sits in his Washington office.

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer sits in his Washington office.

“I didn’t understand what he was up to until he just unveiled it openly, boldly, unapologetically and very clearly within two weeks of his inauguration,” Krauthammer told POLITICO in an interview in his corner office off Dupont Circle. “That’s what was so stunning.”

Since then, Krauthammer has emerged in the Age of Obama as a central conservative voice, the kind of leader of the opposition that that economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman represented for the left during the Bush years: A coherent, sophisticated, and implacable critic of the new president.

Obama, he has written in his syndicated Washington Post column, is committed to “radical health-care, energy and education reforms,” central to a “social democratic agenda” that promises deep – and ominous – transformations to American life. The columnist has offered, in five installments, a “unified theory of Obamaism.”

At a moment when the right is decimated and divided, and unsure what to think of the new administration, Krauthammer’s confidence is much in demand. His columns circulate widely on conservative e-mail lists and blogs, and even his utterances on Fox News are received as gospel: National Review Online’s group blog, The Corner, posts long transcripts of his remarks without comment, under the heading, “Krauthammer’s Take.”

“He’s the most important conservative columnist right now,” said Times columnist David Brooks.

Read more:

Media: Lying, Ignoring The Truth, Arrogance is Ruining Liberal Voices

May 20, 2009

Since the election of Barack Obama last autumn, one word can best characterize liberal media and Democrat politicians: arrogance.

People usually can’t cruise around fueled only by arrogance for long.  And now it seems that liberal media and Democrats will have to learn a new survival skill: humility.

The New York Times is a case in point.  The Old Gray Lady has spun liberal news for so long that people just yawn when the paper is accused of a liberal “slant.”

But that paper went over the line by ignoring the Obama ties to ACORN, Ayers, Jeremiah Wright and others.

And sending a “newsman” to a president’s news conference armed with the question, “what did you find enchanting about the White House” is shameful.

We hope the New York Times gets purchased by the Taliban.  At least then we’ll all know why it is so “out there.”

Even Newsweek is completing a makeover: More Obama (just fewer readers).  Call it Newsweek Lite.


Anderson Cooper is just now realizing his ‘teabagging” remark was stupid, offensive and unnecessary?

He was supposed to be a news man?

The inability to fill dead air intelligently often leads to “blurting out the truth” and we all learn what the talking head really thinks about.

NBC has become the National Barack Channel.  Ditto MSNBC.

But when faced with viewers and readers complaints, liberal media either says they are unbiased or just giving the public what it wants.

New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller recently said:

“We are agnostic as to where a story may lead; we do not go into a story with an agenda or a preconceived notion. We do not manipulate or hide facts to advance an agenda. We strive to preserve our independence from political and economic interests . . . We do not work in the service of a party, or an industry, or even a country. When there are competing views of a situation, we aim to reflect them as clearly and fairly as we can.”

That’s bull.  From a deer in the headlights.

Victor Davis Hanson writes, “Perhaps the media doesn’t get it that the American people can more easily take the bias of an attack-dog, go-for-the jugular media that claims it is the watchdog of the public trust and therefore must skin the president, far more than such carnivores suddenly becoming sheepish and obsequious, as ministers of truth, rephrasing and repackaging the party line.”
California: Why Liberal Media is Failing
Limbaugh Says, Without Him as Piñata, MSNBC Ratings Will Plummet
Obama Loving NBC Called “Titanic” Of TV Networks
NYT Never Heard of ACORN or Pelosi’s CIA Dispute or Plagiarism….
White House Works To Bury Pelosi-CIA Story, New York Times Complies
Limbaugh Says, Without Him as Piñata, MSNBC Ratings Will Plummet

“… it is quite astounding that the mainstream liberal media — NY Times, Washington Post, NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek, etc. — has simply offered no substantive criticism of Obama’s flips on renditions, military tribunals, wiretaps, intercepts, Iraq, or — given their past fury over the Bush deficits — the Obama plan to run up more red ink in a year than Bush did in eight.”


California: Why Liberal Media is Failing

May 20, 2009

NBC and MSNBC are struggling to find views and the New York Times is considering bankruptcy or sale.

Liberal media is failing and it isn’t hard to see why.

Yesterday, California’s voters rejected tax hikes to solve a budget shortfall.  Voters rejected all of the State House’s plans except to order limits to state pay checks.

Drastic, draconian measures are on the table: even bankruptcy.

Has the liberal media covered this extensively?

If the economy imploded and voters rejected all new taxes in Spain, Italy, or Russia: would that be in the top news?  You bet.  Even though those nations’ have a GDP about the same as California’s, the State of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger just experienced a real tea party; and the liberal media wants to ignore it…..Just as it has tried to do for months….

Americans want to know what is going on.  They don’t want to know what Barack found to be enchanting any more….

Limbaugh Says, Without Him as Piñata, MSNBC Ratings Will Plummet
Obama Loving NBC Called “Titanic” Of TV Networks
NYT Never Heard of ACORN or Pelosi’s CIA Dispute or Plagiarism….
White House Works To Bury Pelosi-CIA Story, New York Times Complies

Limbaugh Says, Without Him as Piñata, MSNBC Ratings Will Plummet

May 19, 2009

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh challenged MSNBC on Tuesday to go 30 days without mentioning his name on television.

“Throughout the busy broadcast day, MSNBC cannot go an hour without mentioning me or playing video of me or having me discussed,” Limbaugh said. “I challenge you, MSNBC! Thirty days without anything mentioning me. No video of me, no guests commenting on me. See if you can do it.”

Limbaugh accused the cable network of trying to “build its ratings on my back” by making him a frequent subject of discussion and portraying him as a leader of the Republican Party.

“It seems that the liberalism that is MSNBC isn’t selling as well as they would like because they cannot — from the Scarborough show in the morning, all the way to night, they cannot … go any appreciable length of time without showing video of me, the CPAC speech or excerpts from this radio show or having a bunch of hack guests on to discuss me,” he said, according a transcript on his website.

Limbaugh also suggested that the network may not be able to withstand a ratings plunge if mentions of him were pulled from the network.

Read more:

Obama Loving NBC Called “Titanic” Of TV Networks

California: Why Liberal Media is Failing

NYT Never Heard of ACORN or Pelosi’s CIA Dispute or Plagiarism….

May 18, 2009

Journalism schools teach apprencice writers not to “bury the lead.”

The New York Times teaches liberal writers to simply bury negative stories.

Last week after Nancy Pelosi accused the CIA of lying to Congress, the story was on page A 18 of the New York Times.  In the Strait Times of Singapore, the story was page 1 news.

That goes for all other reputable world newspapers.

But the New York Times departed tha land of the reputable a long time ago.

Bad news for ACORN?  The New York Times couldn’t make it pan out: even though a bunch of different state attorney generals did make it turn out….

Minority Leader John Boehner said Nancy Pelosi “ought to either present the evidence or apologize'” in the wake of her comments that CIA officials misled her about the use of controversial interrogation techniques on terrorist suspects.

News in The New York Times?

They apparently never heard of John Boehner or Nancy who?

White House Works To Bury Pelosi-CIA Story, New York Times Complies

The kicks, made by high-end French fashion label Lanvin, cost $540. Ernst/Reuters

Michelle’s shoes, made by high-end French fashion label Lanvin, cost $540. This is not a story you’ll see in the NYT…..

On Maureen Dowd’s NYT Plagiarism:

A statement supporting Dowd from spokesperson Diane McNulty at the NYT read as follows (read, plagiarism is OK with us now).

Maureen had us correct the column online as soon as the error was brought to her attention, adding in the sourcing to Marshall’s blog. We ran a correction in today’s paper,  referring readers to the correct version online.

There is no need to do anything further since there is no allegation, hint or anything else from Marshall that this was anything but an error. It was corrected. Journalists often use feeds from other staff journalists, free-lancers, stringers, a whole range of people. And from friends. Anyone with even the most passing acquaintance with Maureen’s work knows that she is happy and eager to give people credit.


Obama Breaks (Another) Major Campaign Promise

May 16, 2009

“President Obama is reinstating the same deeply-flawed military commissions that in June 2008 he called an ‘enormous failure.’ In one swift move, Obama both backtracks on a major campaign promise to change the way the United States fights terrorism and undermines the nation’s core respect for the rule of law by sacrificing due process for political expediency.

 From Amnesty International

“Whatever revisions the Obama administration has made to the commissions do not change the fact that the commissions do not provide an adequate standard of justice for the detainees nor the victims of terrorism — they merely mock the U.S. Constitution, international laws and undermine fundamental human rights standards.

“What happened to President Obama’s confidence in the U.S. justice system’s ability to try detainees? He himself said that ‘we need not throw away 200 years of American jurisprudence while we fight terrorism.’

“U.S. federal courts are a perfectly sound system to try any and all detainees. They have brought other terror suspects to justice, and there is no reason why these courts cannot continue to do the same.”

President Obama is reinstating the same deeply-flawed military commissions that in June 2008 he called an ‘enormous failure.’ In one swift move, Obama both backtracks on a major campaign promise to change the way the United States fights terrorism and undermines the nation’s core respect for the rule of law by sacrificing due process for political expediency.

“Whatever revisions the Obama administration has made to the commissions do not change the fact that the commissions do not provide an adequate standard of justice for the detainees nor the victims of terrorism — they merely mock the U.S. Constitution, international laws and undermine fundamental human rights standards.

“What happened to President Obama’s confidence in the U.S. justice system’s ability to try detainees? He himself said that ‘we need not throw away 200 years of American jurisprudence while we fight terrorism.’

“U.S. federal courts are a perfectly sound system to try any and all detainees. They have brought other terror suspects to justice, and there is no reason why these courts cannot continue to do the same.”

Notre Dame is In My Blood; Allowing ND To Be “Used” Offends Me

May 15, 2009

I am a Notre Dame graduate.  My Dad and his brother, my uncle, graduated from Notre Dame.  My two brothers and some cousins and nephews graduated from Notre Dame.  And my relatives at Notre Dame go back to Father William Corby, a Civil War chaplain of the Irish Brigade and president of Notre Dame (twice).

I am offended that Notre dame has allowed itself to be “used” in a matter of faith, culture and politics.  Maybe this is too complex for the clergy at Notre Dame, but I can assure them that Rahm Emanuel is gloating over the picture he’ll get on Sunday of Barack Obama in front of Notre Dame symbols, like the Golden Dome or the University Crest.

Like it or not, Notre Dame has signed up to lending its image to a politician.  And not just any politician.  Barack Obama is one of the most pro-abortion politicians in America.

And Notre Dame’s excuse: that we allow all kinds of points of view, is lame.

This is not a debate on campus.  It is a one-way communication that the seniors and the nation will hear on graduation day.  The President is using Notre Dame and Notre Dame is giving its blessing….And many Americans will see this as a Catholic blessing of Obama and a fall back on the support of life by Catholics — the Catholic Church.
Just being at Notre Dame means the president is on a mission of middle ground outreach that is like an embrace to and from the Catholic Church. 

That’s fine: if the president was genuinely pro-life.
Many Americans, especially non-Catholic Americans, see Notre Dame as the Catholic Church.  But in fact, Notre Dame is often criticized for being too overly liberal.

But for Obama, that aura of Notre Dame as the Catholic Church, is helpful — maybe even essential in future political battles.
Notre Dame is a gift that fell into the lap of a calculating Obama political team.

The University of Arizona refused to offer Obama an honorary degree.  Notre Dame plunged ahead anyway.

At Georgetown, White House staffers covered symbols of Jesus.  Yet Notre Dame stood by silently.

It offends me and I decided not to be silent.

John E. Carey
Peace and Freedom

Shame On Notre Dame: Obama’s Honorary Degree Sounds Like Candidacy for Sainthood
Obama; Why Notre Dame?
Archbishop: Notre Dame Made a Mistake; Protesers Should Be Peaceful, Prayerful, Pro-Life
Georgetown Honors Obama, Not Jesus (There Can Only Be One Messiah….)

The University of Notre Dame says its invitation doesn't mean the university agrees with all of Obama's positions.



Conservative Thought Not Wanted At Colleges

From Fox News

“The colleges have been transformed,” said David Horowitz, whose organization, Students for Academic Freedom, tracks ideological bias on campus. “They’re now these partisan institutions. They’re not going to change.”

Horowitz ran a study in 2003 that looked at commencement speakers at 32 top institutions in the U.S. for the previous 10 years. He found that liberals and Democrats were favored over conservatives by a ratio of 15-1. And then he stopped counting.

“It’s permanent. It’s not going to change, partly because there’s so little attention being paid to it,” he told

Read the rest:

“Pelosi’s gone too far. She’s opened Pandora’s Box.” Offered Lie Detector

May 15, 2009

Senator Kit Bond (R-Missouri) has told Fox News he will launch an investigation into PelosiTruthGate and get to the bottom of the Speaker’s accusation that the CIA lied about waterboarding to Congress.

Bond said he would polygraph or give a lie detector to Pelosi if she agreed.

Kit Bond
Kit Bond

“I think her accusations against our terror-fighters are irresponsible and, according to the CIA’s record, Speaker Pelosi was briefed on what had been done,” said  Bond, the senior Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee. “It’s outrageous that a member of Congress would call our terror-fighters liars.”
Pelosi’s only statement today about PelosiTruthGate was a memo from her sent to news media to offer her praise for the work of the CIA…..

“My criticism of the manner in which the Bush administration did not appropriately inform Congress is separate from my respect for those in the intelligence community who work to keep our country safe,” it said.

On “Special Report” on Fox News Channel host Brett Baier asked if Pelosi was in trouble.

“I think this could go far,” said columnist Charles Krauthammer. “This is no longer just Republicans against Democrats.  This is now about the CIA vs. Pelosi.”

He also said, “He [Obama] started this by releasing the memos.”

A CIA friend told Peace and Freedom, “Pelosi’s gone too far.  She’s opened Pandora’s Box.”

Pelosi got “a blunt and harsh rebuke,” “thrown under bus”

Pelosi Is Now Obama’s Biggest Anchor, Liability

Golden Gate Bridge
Spanning the truth: PelosiTruthGate

PelosiTruthGate: Did CIA Lie About Torture To Congress? Time To Find Out Or Fire Pelosi
